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Are you making this serious mistake? Top 6 reasons why money can’t replace family time.

These days, money has been so important for all of us because for everything you need money. Food, Clothing and shelter, which has been our basic needs for mankind all has to be purchased, including to go out at a distance you need money (car, public transport, fuel, etc), unlike the days where humans had no exchange currency. Read ahead for the top 6 reasons why money can't be a substitute to family or relations.

A balance is important to manage both money and family relations. But where does a person draw a line? How much money is enough money? Does it fear you to have no sufficient money for future? Or are you obsessed with money and keep collecting it?

Often I come across a lot of clients, who have relationship problems, most of the problems are with a reason: earning lot of money but not able to give enough time to near and dear ones.

Money and time with family might be both essential to our well-being, but if asked to choose what to be put first, that one is just too hard to answer.

Let’s do a SELF INTROSPECTION; here is a list of questions you can ask yourself for understanding yourself better.

 Are you:

1.      Working parent/spouse and have no time to spend with your loved ones?

2.      Feeling that you are taking care of your loved ones by giving gifts by - money or material things?

3.      Not giving time, but replacing with giving comforts to your family?

4.      Neither physically present nor able to communicate with your loved ones regularly?


Yeah, is that what your mind answered? Then, you fall in this category of substituting money with time.

I feel sorry to say, the relations will have a long term effect, draining energies and built up aggression, if continued to be the same.

While I do not totally disagree; money does help keep families together, because you can go for vacations, dining, socialize, luxurious lifestyle etc, but again, pointing it out, each of the listed events need family or near and dear ones!

If you don't pay enough attention to money it can lower your quality of life, but if you pay too much attention to money it can damage your relationship with your family because you lose out on time and connections with them.

Hmmm.. tough to draw a line..

Let’s take up the top 6 reasons why money can’t replace family time.

1.      Can’t talk or respond 

        Money can’t talk or soothe like your family members. Imagine you are from a rich family and you are upset, someone comes across and gives you money, will that help you come out of upset feeling?

2.      Gives temporary happiness

    Money can give you happiness to some extent for some days, as you achieve your desires. But we all are aware, wants are unlimited. You fulfill one desire and the next is on your list. It can never give you lasting happiness. When you spend time with family you can create memories, which is going to give you more togetherness and love.

3.      Can’t buy relations 

        With money you can buy every material thing in the world, but you wont be able to buy relations. Imagine having lots of money but no family, how does that make you feel? Would you feel happy earning loads of money at the cost of losing family relations? Is it worth it?

4.      Can’t give you security

        While a lot of people may disagree to this point, that money can give security, but think of this, you have all the money kept as a security for your future and holding on the money in your bank account and suddenly, due to some natural calamity, the bank in which your funds were kept is swept away and there is no other branch or any other event where you are at a loss, how would that make you feel? All these will make you feel empty handed in seconds and totally heartbroken.

5.     Can’t help you in terminal diseases or life limiting illness

        You work so hard, giving up your family time to earn money and save a lot of money for your future, medicals and treatments, thinking if anything happens to you, there is money that can help you to recover and get you the life again. Is that true, ask yourself again? God has all the number of breath planned in your life depending on your karmas. You can’t escape from your duties.

6.      Makes people lazy and spoilt

        This is the last and the most important one, you slog your entire life making a palace and all the luxuries in life, giving the best to your spouse, children and parents. No one need to work further, saved tons and tons of money, what after that? I have a lot of clients who come to me, that his child, at an earning age is not yet competent to work, only friends and socials, spouse is obese or depressed, etc. What could be the reason? Simple that the money has given them the false-ego, this is difficult to dissolve on its own. Work or any activity becomes such a stressful task for them, where even a simple task they are unable to cope up effectively.

Hmm.. a lot to think about!

It’s very important to balance earning money and family time so that you do not regret later in life. Allow time to work, but also give enough time to your family to know each other, understand each other, support within the family. Don’t ruthlessly keep earning and lose out on the best days of your life. Each day is special and unique, the same day won’t return, neither the age.

Cherish family events with your family members, celebrate important days with them, birthdays, anniversaries, social events, etc.

Life is short to waste on material things which are temporary. Create memories that can stay with you and also with them. Spread love, happiness, joy, smiles, and so many beautiful things around us that makes each and every moment special.

Don’t forget, we are a human species and that’s all we just exist in this beautiful Earth. Any disaster or development by the higher Authority, God, can make you disappear in a second. You may not be able to say a good bye to anyone.

Be humble!

Do you find it difficult to face tough situations? My Personal Secret Technique revealed, try it!!!

It’s so wonderful when everything happens as planned. You feel comfortable, relaxed, happy, fulfilled, etc.

However, not all days go as planned. It can be very good days when you can handle everything easily at work, home, socials, etc or, on the other hand, some days are tough to handle. Ouch! I can feel both versions instantly.

Ups and downs are a part of life, but how many can accept it completely and blissfully handle both these versions?


Let me share a small story. While I used to go to work, there were few days when I woke up late and I would rush to dress up, pick up my handbag and car keys, driving to work, without a proper morning routine. Since I was late, I couldn’t make anything for my lunch and thought I could have something nearby my workplace. I reached timely, as happy and calm I could be to not be late at work, feeling relaxed I started doing my regular work routine at my desk. At first I thought I missed the bus, I would be late and a late remark, I am on the top most position where I can’t be late, others would follow and so on my imagination. This is when, I can relate to the mind rushing in future, the fear of unknown, which I understood after studying psychology. Then, there came the lunch time, I was totally excited to eat outside food, like always (BTW… I am a foodie) I ordered for good food from a nearby restaurant. I put my hand in my handbag, and I realized I had forgotten my wallet with money at home, gosh, how could I be so careless? Facing such a situation, it was so embarrassing to ask from someone at that time. PANIC!!! But then, I got a second thought, I always kept some loose small cash in my bag as a backup. Thank fully I could manage for that day.

What do we learn from this situation?

1.       Good morning routine helps prepare yourself for the day

2.       Be calm in any situation so that you allow your brain to function properly.

3.       Always have a back-up – Contingency planning

4.       Don’t be afraid to ask for help, it’s human (Which I am still working on.. So let’s work it out together)

5.       Be present as I always mention in most of my articles!

6.       Be independent (so you know how to do contingency planning)


This was just a minor event, which happens with most of us and we can handle it easily by some way or the other. But what happens when you have a deeper situation, for which your brain doesn’t have enough resources to handle it appropriately, leave alone back up plan.


Let’s see, how our brain works. When you (Person 1) get used to a person (2), you (P1) tend to get comfortable and relaxed, because your (P1) brain assumes to have understood the other person’s (P2) scheme of working. If any interruption enters in between these two persons, say, P2 denies for something requested by P1, which the P1 is confident about P2 is definitely going to accept it (no back up); then the emotions gets imbalanced and the problem arises. Because you never thought of the other side and your mind couldn’t evaluate on how to react. This creates an Instant reaction which may or may not be favorable. This majorly happens due to ATTACHMENT.

THE YEAR 2020:

Like, in this year 2020, Corona Virus has forced humans to change plans without any back up. So many people have suffered, given up their lives, living in a condition which they never even could imagine.


To cope up such situations in life, I have listed a step by step technique which you could try and let me know if this works for you. I personally have tried it multiple times and it works for me in every situation.

1.       Acknowledge and accept – Most of the times we are unable to accept the situation and try to avoid confrontation. Once you acknowledge and accept it, it becomes easier and you feel lighter.

2.       Always be ready to change – with acceptance comes ideas on how to solve it, and you should be ready to change some part of yourself. Without this you can’t move ahead. If you say you can’t change or it’s not my fault, you are in denial yet, go back to Step 1.

3.       Gain more knowledge – While you understand the reactions were because you were not aware of how to react to the particular situation, you need to gain some knowledge from trusted resources like reading self-help books of experienced persons, scriptures – can be Bible, Upanishads, Bhagwad Gita, Quran, etc or e-learning for upgrading your skills, joining some practical courses, etc or visit a local counselor for help to understand better.

4.       Relate it to your Problem – check similar situations and how those people have dealt with it, since they are experienced and have tried various techniques and succeeded.

5.       Merge and create a plan to solve your problem – List down on a paper on the various ways to deal with your problem.

6.       Talk to a guru – Guru doesn’t only mean religious Guru. Guru can be anyone whom you look upto and trust that the person will show you the right path. Usually who is experienced person or a counselor or a business consultant, depends on the situation you are stuck with.

7.       Trust your decision and work towards it

8.       Back up plan – Once you have the knowledge and believe in your plan, you will find it easy to work which will further give you confidence and ideas for a back up and also expansion of your plans.

Try this out, and do share your inputs in the comments below!




Are you Waking up Tired????

I love when I get a deep sleep! The day goes so well, when you are fresh after a fulfilling sleep. No irritation, no nitpicking, no anger, no disturbance internally, no laziness and many other positives. Wow! What a wonderful day!
But what happens when you feel you slept properly but wake up feeling tired, or feel like I want to sleep more? Gosh, it’s terrible for some.
I have a lot of clients coming to me for counseling who:
1.         Are not able to sleep
2.        Get sleep but doesn’t feel enough
3.        Unable to wake up at desired time
4.       Want to sleep entire day
5.        Slept properly but feeling tired after waking up
6.        And many more
There could be many reasons why a person feels the above and it will be different in each case. Some of the common reasons are:
1.         Stress – Stress can be caused due to an imbalance in expectations and results.
2.        Fatigue – Sometimes, excessive workload can be a cause of any of the above situations.
3.        Over-thinking – This has been a major cause of disturbed sleep. Over-thinking is when you are stuck with one thought in your head and multiplied your thoughts over it. This can lead to further another cause as below;
4.       Fear of unknown – the thoughts have gone so far in future that now, it’s difficult for your mind to accept the present and that whatever thoughts have been in mind is unmanifested, fake and it may or may not be true. Fear of unknown is not a reality, just at an imaginary level in your mind which your mind perceives it to be true but it is not.
5.        Fear of Change – this is a general mental attitude for many as we tend to be extremely in control of what we already know and do not want it to change. Because change means extra efforts your mind has to put in to be in the same level. It gives a fake sense of losing power. Example: jobs.
6.        Comfort Zone – What if you are watching a movie and it’s a very crucial scene going on; there some of your sibling comes and changes the channel or electricity goes off? Or you sleep on your bed and one particular day, you are told to sleep on the sofa? These are minor examples of disturbances, but there can be major ones too in many people’s life. This can be a cause of sleep disturbance too.

All these reasons create a different chemical reaction to your physical body, that you can feel the sensations. This results in the body to be uncomfortable and acts differently.
May reasons listed and now you may ask, I know these, but how to overcome the above? I am only concerned of good sleep that makes me fresh! I see a lot of people around me, who can sleep with end number of disturbances, physically and mentally. Why am I not able to sleep the same way and feel fresh the next morning?
That’s because the people have trained their mind to be comfortable in every situation. This can be related with not only sleep but for any situations.
For Example, I was told once by a person, that you are so calm and smiling everytime in every situation, (ofcourse not when there is a disturbed event where everyone is sad and I alone am smiling), he continued, let’s see how long in your life this smile continues. This was confirmed that the person’s blood was rising seeing me joyful and wanted to do something to disturb my life. Yeah, he did try a lot to disturb me mentally; it feels bad for a while. But I was an awakened soul and yet my smile and joy is maintained irrespective of what others do, till today and will be ever after. I sleep well and I have everything to live a perfect life.
What is important here? Practicing let go.. Don’t take things personally.. This reduces burden in your mind too..
The most important cause of not getting sleep is too many thoughts going on in your mind. As mentioned in my last article, we must not hold on to past or incessantly think about future. (to read my last article click on the link: )
This can happen with anyone, anytime and in any event. For Example: Work, Home, Friends, Random interactions, etc. To maintain the equipoise in every situation, this helps you to calm your mind and eventually have a fulfilled sleep.
How do you train your mind to have a healthy sleep?
Sleep is when your body is totally relaxed and your breathing becomes slow, that eventually calms down your mind and rejuvenates you for the next day.
Some techniques that can help you to sleep peacefully are:
1.         Deep Breathing while lying on bed
2.        Doing mindful activities during the day
3.        Meditate everyday
4.       Exercise for an hour or Yoga
5.        Keep off gadgets 1 hour before sleeping
6.        Eat your meals 3-4 hours before sleeping.
7.        A shower can relax and allow a good sleep
8.        Sometimes a lifestyle change is required (need to evaluate what works and what doesn’t work)
9.        Conserve your energy. Talk only what’s required and important for NOW. Practice let go.
The above list works for most of them to have a fulfilling deep sleep and you may not feel tired while waking up, but yet if you have a difficulty in sleep and unable to manage, please visit your local counselor for guidance. To contact me here’s the link: & 

Write down in comments below, if you have faced this situation and how you overcame it or if you need any guidance.


-         - MRS. KOMAL HEGDE

Where is my mind… PAST, PRESENT or FUTURE????



All you got to do is show up and start doing, and the universe says, "Yes, Here you go. Your wishes are my command!!!"


But what we do is juggle in between the past and future.. What lies in between is the truth.. The essence of life i.e., the PRESENT. 


Most of us.. Including me (ummm….sometimes), are either thinking about what has already happened and what’s going to happen. 

Why is that???


Does that mean that we don’t know what’s going on right now???


Or you would ask, if I don’t think about the past, how do I learn from my mistakes or recall memories (good or bad… both)? 


Or probably, if I will not think about the future, what will happen, how will I survive, how do I plan?


(Come on Komal, What are you talking about???)


Well, i would say, YES!! Both… The past and future are important parts of our life; however we must dedicate a time slot for these and not dwell on it every minute.


For instance, if I want to go back to my past, I would try to understand the crux of it, underlying problem and not the situation. Once I get into that part, I would understand what went wrong and re-fuel my brain with some helpful techniques to not do that same thing again. 

Its like, your hand instantly went on the fire fumes and u got a taste of it. Next you would do is, evaluate how to avoid that pain caused in this event. You may be careful next time or not go near it, or get fearful. 

But, if you do not go back and get the remedy.. That’s when you are in trouble, that’s how our mind keeps repeating mistakes, because we haven’t found a proper way of dealing the problem.


Same way, if you keep thinking about future.. for example, I want to get a car, I want to buy something that I don’t have, I will do this or that, etc. Then, you are missing out on what you can be doing now, by dwelling in something that you don’t have. Although this part is also important, but if you dedicate a time slot for these both activities, you will be able to spend rest of your time in NOW.. that is the present.


The joy is in being present.

Look Around you. What do you see? Your family, Siblings, Nature, Children. They are all waiting for you to spend time with them. All these are priceless gifts waiting to uncover with your attention.

Some questions to ask yourself, to realise if you are present in the moment:

1.  What I am seeing in front of me?

2.  Am I 100% giving attention to whats happening now?

3.  The thought I am having, is it important right now, does it need attention urgently?



Techniques to return to present moment:

1.  Inhale and exhale deeply – Close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose and release your breath through your mouth

2.  Be baby like – Use your senses (touch, smell, sight, sound) For example, see what’s in front of you. If you are in a garden, feel the smell of flowers, the earth, see the moving clouds (I love this personally, how beautiful it is to see their formations), look at the moon. If you have no access to these there is one more idea for you.. close your eyes and observe the birds singing and chirping…

3.  Meditate – If you are familiar with meditation, then you have the best option to look within..

4.  Use affirmations: I am present in the moment, Wake up Komal! (I use that sometimes, you can use your name in place of mine)



5.  If you are in depression or feeling too low, try to do some physical activity (Walking, exercise, Yoga, Dance, Gardening and similar activities) this will instantly make you forget about everything and let yourself loose.




1.  Feed your mind with connected thoughts of past or future. Stop right there. The best way is to say STOP aloud to yourself and come back by using the above techniques

2.  Surround yourself with negative people

3.  Dwell on the past or future thoughts

4.  Hold on to thoughts



5.  Do not discuss / gossip about your past or future with anyone – None is capable to help you, until you help yourself to be in the PRESENT.




Okay, now that you are well aware of all the above, do try the techniques and write a comment below of how this article has helped you to be in present.


I know its difficult to digest for some and the mind will still be controlling to juggle in past and future, but only practice can help you come out of this juggle.


Also do write in a comment if you want me to write about any specific topic that is troubling you to overcome.



-   Mrs. Komal R. Hegde