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Do you find it difficult to face tough situations? My Personal Secret Technique revealed, try it!!!

It’s so wonderful when everything happens as planned. You feel comfortable, relaxed, happy, fulfilled, etc.

However, not all days go as planned. It can be very good days when you can handle everything easily at work, home, socials, etc or, on the other hand, some days are tough to handle. Ouch! I can feel both versions instantly.

Ups and downs are a part of life, but how many can accept it completely and blissfully handle both these versions?


Let me share a small story. While I used to go to work, there were few days when I woke up late and I would rush to dress up, pick up my handbag and car keys, driving to work, without a proper morning routine. Since I was late, I couldn’t make anything for my lunch and thought I could have something nearby my workplace. I reached timely, as happy and calm I could be to not be late at work, feeling relaxed I started doing my regular work routine at my desk. At first I thought I missed the bus, I would be late and a late remark, I am on the top most position where I can’t be late, others would follow and so on my imagination. This is when, I can relate to the mind rushing in future, the fear of unknown, which I understood after studying psychology. Then, there came the lunch time, I was totally excited to eat outside food, like always (BTW… I am a foodie) I ordered for good food from a nearby restaurant. I put my hand in my handbag, and I realized I had forgotten my wallet with money at home, gosh, how could I be so careless? Facing such a situation, it was so embarrassing to ask from someone at that time. PANIC!!! But then, I got a second thought, I always kept some loose small cash in my bag as a backup. Thank fully I could manage for that day.

What do we learn from this situation?

1.       Good morning routine helps prepare yourself for the day

2.       Be calm in any situation so that you allow your brain to function properly.

3.       Always have a back-up – Contingency planning

4.       Don’t be afraid to ask for help, it’s human (Which I am still working on.. So let’s work it out together)

5.       Be present as I always mention in most of my articles!

6.       Be independent (so you know how to do contingency planning)


This was just a minor event, which happens with most of us and we can handle it easily by some way or the other. But what happens when you have a deeper situation, for which your brain doesn’t have enough resources to handle it appropriately, leave alone back up plan.


Let’s see, how our brain works. When you (Person 1) get used to a person (2), you (P1) tend to get comfortable and relaxed, because your (P1) brain assumes to have understood the other person’s (P2) scheme of working. If any interruption enters in between these two persons, say, P2 denies for something requested by P1, which the P1 is confident about P2 is definitely going to accept it (no back up); then the emotions gets imbalanced and the problem arises. Because you never thought of the other side and your mind couldn’t evaluate on how to react. This creates an Instant reaction which may or may not be favorable. This majorly happens due to ATTACHMENT.

THE YEAR 2020:

Like, in this year 2020, Corona Virus has forced humans to change plans without any back up. So many people have suffered, given up their lives, living in a condition which they never even could imagine.


To cope up such situations in life, I have listed a step by step technique which you could try and let me know if this works for you. I personally have tried it multiple times and it works for me in every situation.

1.       Acknowledge and accept – Most of the times we are unable to accept the situation and try to avoid confrontation. Once you acknowledge and accept it, it becomes easier and you feel lighter.

2.       Always be ready to change – with acceptance comes ideas on how to solve it, and you should be ready to change some part of yourself. Without this you can’t move ahead. If you say you can’t change or it’s not my fault, you are in denial yet, go back to Step 1.

3.       Gain more knowledge – While you understand the reactions were because you were not aware of how to react to the particular situation, you need to gain some knowledge from trusted resources like reading self-help books of experienced persons, scriptures – can be Bible, Upanishads, Bhagwad Gita, Quran, etc or e-learning for upgrading your skills, joining some practical courses, etc or visit a local counselor for help to understand better.

4.       Relate it to your Problem – check similar situations and how those people have dealt with it, since they are experienced and have tried various techniques and succeeded.

5.       Merge and create a plan to solve your problem – List down on a paper on the various ways to deal with your problem.

6.       Talk to a guru – Guru doesn’t only mean religious Guru. Guru can be anyone whom you look upto and trust that the person will show you the right path. Usually who is experienced person or a counselor or a business consultant, depends on the situation you are stuck with.

7.       Trust your decision and work towards it

8.       Back up plan – Once you have the knowledge and believe in your plan, you will find it easy to work which will further give you confidence and ideas for a back up and also expansion of your plans.

Try this out, and do share your inputs in the comments below!





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